А меня все впечатлили.Да,как говорится:".Его величесnво случай"
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Поделиться54221-04-2010 14:20:28
Сразу думается - а мало ли что и со мной может случиться ))))
Поделиться54302-05-2010 08:02:21
Сегодня краем глаза смотрела "Доступный экстрим" по MTV, и там был сюжет про соревнования Red Bull X-Fighters. В самом начале сюжета заиграла музыка, мне с первой же секунды показалось, что знакомая песенка... Уже секунды с третьей я поняла, что это Nevеr Again Песня звучала на протяжении всего сюжета, радости моей не было предела
Поделиться54402-05-2010 11:44:03
радости моей не было предела
У меня всегда такое вот када слушаешь просто то никаких эмоций, а када по радио или по ящику вот тогда другое дело...
Поделиться54505-05-2010 10:36:54
вовремя я зашла, число форумчан почти достигло 777. кто же будет этот счастливчик?
Поделиться54605-05-2010 23:32:44
только из всех этих 777-ми активных пара десятков=)
Поделиться54706-05-2010 17:23:03
только из всех этих 777-ми активных пара десятков=)
Остальные для галочки типо люблю Никелей - нужно зарегистрироваться)
Поделиться54807-05-2010 11:59:12
Не знала куда засунуть,поэтому размещу здесь.один талантливый поклонник Никелей пишет короткие истории опираясь на тексты песен.Вот одна на Should've Listened
Chad, are you even fucking listening to me?" It was the same old nagging, same old complaining. As I like to put it, Same Shit, Different Day, or What Chad Has Done Wrong Now.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening," I muttered, and rolled my eyes, daring to take a glance up at her. She was gorgeous, no denying that...the stubborn set of her body was one of the things I found attractive about her. The glare and her hands on her hips...it wasn't attractive. It only succeeded in pissing me off. Plus, she was interrupting my work. My fingers were paused in mid-chord, interrupted from their delivery of a song that had yet to take shape.
"You care more about that fucking guitar of yours than you do about me, so what's the damn point? It's been like that ever since we started this relationship." Her lips started to quiver, and I had the feeling she was about ready to cry, or erupt in a huge fit of anger. Maybe both.
Definitely same shit, different day. "Come on now, you know that's not true," I sighed, and put the guitar on my bed, at least making a half-assed attempt to pay attention to her. "I love you, sweetheart. If you want to come on over here, I'll show you how much." My voice faltered, lacking the sexual undertones and innuendo it used to have in the very beginning of our relationship. I patted the bedcovers, smiled a thin-lipped smile.
"Save it, Chad." She motioned toward my guitar. "You have your lover right there. Go ahead and fuck it...it's got a hole and will pleasure you more than I ever could. I've had enough."
"And I've had enough of your shit for one day." I stood up and stretched. "I'm going out."
"Don't expect me here when you get back," she warned.
"This same old threat? You never make good on it." I walked to the door, and she talked at my back: "No? Watch me."
I shrugged. "See you when I get back." I left the bedroom and grabbed the keys from the table by the front door, taking the car to points unknown...I just needed to get out of the house, away from all the frustration and the tension mounting between us.
I don't understand...why are things like this? I questioned, while I stuck the key in the Lamborghini's engine and coaxed it to life. Never used to be. True, she was a girl I noticed in a bar, and yes, the sex was unbelievable, but that seemed to be the only basis of our relationship. She wanted more, and I wasn't sure I was ready to give it to her.
I put the car into drive and rode down multiple streets, not bothering to look at the signs or where I was going. I had no real destination.
"I'm back," I yelled, tossing the keys back on the table. My voice echoed throughout the empty foyer. "Babe?" No answer. It was like speaking into a dead telephone. She's probably back in the bedroom, pretending to be asleep. Like she always does when she's ignoring me.
"Shit," I groaned, my feet carrying me through the foyer. I was tired of fighting the not-so-good fight, with no real reward for even doing so. But I knew I needed to get myself back into her good graces if I wanted any kind of peace around the house.
As I walked down the hall, I noticed something strange: the pictures of me and her...gone. "Okay," I muttered, and shook it off. Sure, it was strange, but there must be some kind of explanation.
No pictures left in the hall...
The explanation was given the minute I entered our bedroom. Instead of a pissed off girlfriend pretending to be asleep on my bed, I found clothes all over the floor. "What the fuck?" I yelled, as I noticed the exact condition of the clothes. Ripped, torn, holes in most of my favorite shirts. I could buy more, sure, but that wasn't the fucking point. I grabbed a shirt, stared at it, snarled, and threw it back on the floor. "Fuck!"
There's clothes all over the floor
Don't remember them bein' here before
For some reason, I glanced toward the mirror that adorned the wall over our bed. Words were scrawled across the glass in bright pink lipstick: Fuck you, Chad.
Smell of perfume isn't here
Why's lipstick on the mirror
Still I don't understand
"Oh, this is wonderful," I said, sarcasm clearly evident in my voice. Shit...I patted the back pocket of my jeans...no wallet. Oh, no...I ran in a frenzy around the house, finding no evidence of my wallet, and went to the only possible place it might be...the front yard. Crazy, but it was true.
Where the hell's my credit cards?
Why's my wallet in the yard?
Still, I don't understand...
Well I guess I should've listened
When you said you had enough
A little trick I've picked up from my father
In one ear, and out the other
Why's love gotta be so tough?
She took my credit cards...the house keys and the keys to the Range Rover...gone. "She actually did it," I said aloud and sunk down on the front steps, my head in my hands. "She actually left. Shit."
Why's love gotta be so tough?
Поделиться54907-05-2010 13:40:46
Интересно написано! С удовольствием почитал )
Поделиться55007-05-2010 13:54:43
вот ещё одна про Райана
The waves crashed against the sand, it sparkled as the water pulled back. Ryan sat with his toes just touching the water. He breathed in the ocean air folding his arms around him. It had been a long night and he hoped this would clear his mind. He looked out over the water and it seemed endless, he had gotten lose in watching the white caps roll in. "It is easy to get lost in," Ryan looked to his side and smiled.
"You came," he looked back to the water.
"Don't I always," she answered, they sat quite watching the water. "So you didn't do it?"
"No," Ryan looked down at his feet.
"Why," she nagged.
"You know why," Ryan looked at her.
"Ryan," her voiced sound sad, "how long very you been seeing her?"
"Long enough," Ryan shrugged.
"And do you love her," she asked.
"A lot," he smiled.
"Than what is the trouble," she tossed her arms up. "You know your problem is," she folded her arms.
"I know you will tell me," Ryan give a laugh.
"You get stuck," her eyes knitted together, "you dwell. Ryan just be happy, you are in love. This is a new chapter that is staring in your life." Ryan shrugged holing his head against his shoulder.
"You are afraid,that we won't see each other any more," Ryan heard her swallow hard, "well of course not," she tried to hide the sadness in her voice, "you knew it was coming."
"I guess," Ryan wiped away at a tear.
"It is really nothing to cry about," she wanted to reach out and touch him, give him some comfort, "I am really happy for you. You tell me nothing but good things about her, and I really like her name. Treana, Treana Peake, I like it." Ryan laughed at her, maybe that is what he would miss the most. Her great personality, how she could find the humor in anything. But this had to end and they both knew it. It would not be fair to Treana, and he truly loved her. He hoped more than anything in she would say yes. Yes to being his wife. "You have to let go, I don't belong in your life anymore. I should have left five years ago. Guess I have a hard time letting go too."
"You have a lot more to let go of," Ryan still couldn't look at her.
"But things are good now, people move on." the wind carried her hair, "that is life is goes on. I know what we had was special, "she continued, "It was that really innocent," she rolled her hands, "love I guess."
"I do," Ryan stopped, "did you love."
"I know that," she smiled, " and I will take that with me. But you love her now, and she should get all of you. Plus I can't keep doing this," her feet played in the sand. "these midnight meetings."
"I know you are right, it is still just hard," Ryan looked at her.
"Yeah , "she shook her head, "but it really is time." Ryan sat studying her face, he hoped no matter what he could remember just like this. "So I am going to go, and go ask her to marry you," she stood looking down at him, "Bye," Ryan watched her walk away, she turned back, "oh remember I like white roses." Ryan smiled shaking his head, as tears ran down his face. "Bye, Brandy."
"Man I can't believe you are getting married," Chad laughed, "but really I think it is great. I mean after all you," Chad stopped, "So where did you take off to the other night," Chad tuned his guitar.
"Oh no where, why," Ryan played with his keys.
"I called Treana said you where out, you still don't" Chad looked up, "It is just with you getting married and all, I would think."
"Hey life goes on right," Ryan chimed.
"Who are the roses for," Chad pointed.
"Oh," Ryan held them close, "I gotta get home,"
The sun was warm, spring was here, everything had began to bloom. The glass was a bright green and you could smell flowers in the air. Brnady was right life did go on. Even if you tried to go back everything around kept forward. Ryan placed the roses, white just like she liked, next to the angle statue next to a grey granite stone.
Brandy Dickson
Loving daughter and friend
Always in our hearts
The End
Поделиться55107-05-2010 19:59:00
М-дя. в первой истории про гитару интересно сказано...
Поделиться55207-05-2010 20:19:06
да мне тоже первая больше понравилось.
Поделиться55307-05-2010 22:22:57
Авот ещё одна история от cowgurlhat
The stories contained herein are based upon real people but are a work of fiction for the sole purpose of entertainment. Any story written and presented is the fictional work of the individual writer/author, is not deemed to be fact and any similarity to fact is purely coincidental.
In no way do any of the stories reflect the opinion or standing of the owner or management of Nickelback Fans Forum, the band members, families or any other person mentioned.
Further, story content is deemed to be the creative output of the individual author. No harm, malice or disrespect is meant to any real person who may be mentioned or referred to in which a character may be modeled or based upon.
THIS IS FICTION and nothing more than creative media that is shared by some of our members and no monetary profit is gained or realized by this site or any of its members.
It was a typical day in the household of Chad Kroeger. He was relaxing in his studio, working on different guitar chords for songs that would be put on their next album, when the phone call came. The phone went through its catchy little ringtone, but he didn't pick it up right away. If it wasn't important, then they'd probably hang up and tell him later. If it was, then they'd leave a voicemail. It ran through the ringing length, and Chad was blessed with silence... if only for a few moments.
The now-annoying-little-ringtone-that-was-starting-to-make-Chad-want-to-break-the-cellphone-after-berating-the-caller-for-not-leaving-a-voicemail eventually pulled him away from his work long enough to pick it up. The little screen was lit up, and the words across it said, "Ryan cell".
"What the fuck, Ryan?" he muttered to himself before answering. "Don't you have a life, Peake?"
"Let me in, I gotta show you something."
"Let you in?" Chad set his guitar down next to him. "Where are you?"
There was a little pause before he replied sarcastically, "I'm on your roof, Chad. I decided that doors and gates aren't really my thing anymore, and I'm starting a new trend."
Sometimes, Ryan was just really weird. Shaking his head, he asked, "Well, can't you tell me what needs to be told to me over the phone?"
"No, Chad, I can't just tell you, which is why you need to let me in!!!"
"Okay, okay, sheesh!" Chad said, getting to his feet. He went to his control panel at the front door and pushed the button to open the gate. Ryan's car soon zipped in as soon as it was able to fit through it, and hurriedly climbed out... with his laptop.
Now, this was just getting ridiculous. "Okay, what's wrong?" he asked Ryan as he came up to the door. Ryan didn't say anything, just brushed past him, holding onto the laptop like it was a treasure that could get snatched away at any moment. He set it down on the counter, opened it, and after hitting a couple of keys stepped back for Chad to see the monitor.
"Look at this," he said solemnly.
Chad rolled his eyes at Ryan's dramatics and looked at the screen. "What is it?" he asked shortly after.
"'What is it'?? Dude, look at this! It's ridiculous!!"
Chad blinked, then looked closer at the screen to read the heading. "Ryan, it's just fanfiction." He moved the mouse over to the first link and clicked on it. After skim-reading through the first paragraph, he scoffed and pointed at the screen. "See, it's just fiction. There's no way in reality you'd beat me in poker."
Ryan gave him a blank look, then said, "That's not really the point."
"Ryan, they're just fans, expressing their fandom...ness... in a very creative way."
"Yeah, but have you actually read some of these?"
Chad shrugged. "Why would I read them? I do appreciate that they go through the trouble that it sometimes takes to write, but it doesn't really concern me."
Ryan sighed, partly in relief, then said, "Okay, it's probably better if you don't anyways... but, damn, some of these...."
"Some of them what?"
"Some of them are... really accurate, Chad... It just makes me wonder sometimes."
Chad just rolled his eyes and chuckled softly. Chad didn't wonder at all. What fans did in their own time was none of his business at all. It was slightly flattering that they had used him and his band mates as subjects to their creativity, but that was as far as it got for him. Now satisfied that he had calmed his friend down, he started a conversation with his friend about their music, along with some ideas he had. It had to be cut short, however, since Ryan left the house in such a rush and he wanted to get back to his family. They made their goodbyes, and Ryan headed out as Chad went back to the studio.
Ten minutes had passed when Chad started to wonder if Ryan took his laptop home with him. The thought bugged him so much that he got up and went to check himself...
"Nope, still there," he said to himself. He reached into his pocket for his cellphone when his own budding curiousity stopped him. He stared at the laptop screen with a speculative look on his face, then thought to himself, "What the hell could it hurt if I just look?"
Mike put his finger on the gate buzzer, pushing redial on his phone again. "What the hell is keeping Chad away?" he told himself as he put the phone back up to his ear. He was soon joined by Daniel, who pulled in behind him and got out of his car.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"Chad's not answering the phone-- or the door," Mike answered, feeling slightly paranoid now. It wasn't like his brother to ignore them like this.
"How long have you tried?"
Mike looked at his watch. "Ten minutes."
Daniel was about to suggest that Mike either give him the benefit of a doubt that he could be in the shower or something before he filed out a missing person's report, when the gates slowly opened. Mike took his finger off of the buzzer, hung up his phone, then quickly climbed into his car and drove in. Daniel soon followed, not quite as rushed as Mike since he just got there.
Mike pounded on the door, and after hearing Chad shout that it was open, barged in the house. "What is going on with you, Chad? I was out there for at least ten minutes trying to get a hold of you! What were you doing?"
Chad looked up from the laptop, entirely engrossed in the contents, and said one word: "What?"
"What are you doing?" Mike repeated.
"Reading," Chad said, before turning back to the laptop.
"Chad can read?" Daniel asked Mike. He said it in a joking fashion, which would most likely get a response from Chad right away. He was really surprised when it didn't. He exchanged a look with Mike, when he asked loudly, "Chad?"
"Shhh! I'm trying to read this!!" Chad said.
"What the heck are you reading?" Mike asked, coming around the counter. He then read a little part of what was on the screen:
'Chad switched his eyes into different directions and found a ditch next to a tree. He threw his arm. "Over there!" He lead his friend to it and they all hid in it. Chad shushed them all to be quiet, not wanting to make a sound. They heard the vampires coming as they screamed Ryan's name. Chad's eyes went wide and whispered. "Blood! They can smell our blood and find us!"
"We can't smell our own kind." Daniel answered.
"But Mike and I and Ryan are half human…you are the only one who isn't!"
"What are we going to do?" Ryan asked in fear.
Chad thought quickly hearing the vampires coming closer. "Daniel cover us with your blood! They won't be able to smell us!"
Daniel looked at his friends knowing it was the only way, he bit himself in the arm. Blood flood as he leaned his arm over Chad letting his blood drip on his face. Chad rubbed Daniel's blood on his face and licked it as well. Daniel bit the wound deeper for more blood to flow placing more on Chad. He then took his arm to Ryan letting it flow on him. Daniel heard the vampires and bit his other arm for Mike to use. They all were covered in Daniel's blood hearing the vampires search around the area.'
"What the--?" Mike asked aloud as finished reading that.
"I'm reading fanfiction," replied Chad.
"Fanfiction?" Daniel echoed.
"Ryan showed this to me, so I decided to look," Chad continued, distractedly.
"How long have you been reading?" Mike asked.
Chad glanced at the clock on the laptop, and said, "Four hours."
Daniel's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "Four hours?!"
"Okay, that's it," Mike said, before placing his hand on the laptop and closing it.
"What the fuck, Mike?" Chad protested, opening it again. "I was at a good part!!"
"And it'll still be there when you get back, Chad, trust me." Mike closed the laptop again, keeping his hand on it so that it'll stay closed.
Chad sighed loudly, then stretched his back, cracking it in a couple of places. Relaxing, he then asked, "Okay, what's up?"
"You said Ryan got you interested in this?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah. He came over freaking out about something on there, and he forgot that he left the laptop here, so I decided to see what was up."
"And you were reading ever since," Mike finished.
"Guys, am I really that much of a 'man whore'?" Chad asked.
Daniel and Mike blinked in shock, then passed a look with each other. "What... gave you that idea?" Mike asked slowly.
"Don't bullshit me, am I seriously a 'man whore'?"
"Why do I feel cornered all of a sudden?" Daniel asked under his breath.
"Chad... You're not a 'man whore'.... you're just..... um...." Mike gave a pleading look to Daniel.
"You're........... um.......... sexually oriented!!!!" Daniel shouted as he came up with a good excuse. Mike put his head in his hands and rubbed his temples at the already throbbing migraine starting to set in. Sometimes, he could really kill Daniel.
"Why are you asking, anyway?" Mike asked.
"Reader's comments," Chad muttered.
"Oh..." Mike replied. "You know something, though, it is called fiction for a reason. I mean, vampires don't really exist, right?" He jerked a thumb to the laptop as he finished his question. At Chad's nod, he continued. "How I see it, is that they're creating these unique situations, and writing us on how they believe we would act in these situations. Sure, you have more fun with women than the rest of us do, but these are also your fans responding to these stories."
"Yeah, I mean, we call each other shitty names all the time, but that doesn't really mean that we hate each other. And, not all of the stories constantly paint you in a very bad light, do they?" Daniel asked.
Chad thought for a minute, then slowly smiled, remembering how the stories almost always had a happy ending in them, writing him out of seemingly the most impossible situations in which Chad himself most likely would have given up long ago in such inventive ways. "No, not all of them," he agreed.
"Well, then, there you go. It's only writer's and reader's opinions on something that won't happen," Mike said, feeling relieved that they had carefully avoided a disasterous situation.
"Thanks," Chad said. He blinked quickly, then said, "Let's just not talk about this ever again, okay?" If Ryan found out that Chad got hooked on fanfiction, especially after he told Ryan how disinterested he was in it, it'd be held over his head for the longest time.
"Talk about what?" Daniel asked, catching onto Chad's request. "C'mon, let's get to the studio and get to work!"
Chad chuckled softly, and hung back so that he could turn off the laptop... but not before taking a note of the website that it was that housed all of these stories. Some of the short stories were really hot, and he wanted to personally thank those specific authors for being a little 'creative'...
Поделиться55408-05-2010 07:45:07
Nice )) Fanfiction ))
Поделиться55508-05-2010 12:30:34
вы меня канеш извините но переводить эту херь долго доже через нет
Поделиться55608-05-2010 13:42:34
История про Дениела от cowgurlhat
It was the end of another long tour, and for drummer Daniel Adair it couldn't come fast enough. He loved his band members like family, but over a year and a half with them constantly on the road was almost more than he could take. It seemed that way with everyone else once they got back to the airport. He noticed Mike's and Ryan's wives waiting for them, so it was no surprise when they rushed through their good-byes. Chad, most likely anxious to get back into the studio, was already heading to his car, searching his duffel bag for his notebook and tossing a "Later" to Daniel over his shoulder. No doubt he'll be calling me in a couple of days to come into the studio and work... again. What he really needed was to get out for awhile. After a few moments of standing restlessly in the airport, he hatched a simple plan and put it into action: get in the car and drive to wherever the car wanted to go.
He stored his suitcase into the trunk, climbed in, and started his car. He revved the engine, a wicked smile coming across his face as he reveled in the sound. He spent a lot of time on the road on a bus, but all of that time was easily forgotten in that instant. He made his way to the end of the parking lot, and when he didn't know which way to go, he decided to let fate choose, and pulled his "lucky" coin out of his pocket. "Heads is left, tails is right," he told himself and flipped the coin. It landed on tails, and he flicked the signal on while returning the coin to his pocket. He was now officially on vacation and wouldn't bother to let himself think about work. He quickly swung by a liquor store for a "private party" later and got his favorite case of beer. Now he was all set.
Sometime in the summer of '96
I was off on a road trip
A couple hundred bucks and a case of beer
Outside Panama City limit's where it all begins
2 a.m. I saw hazard lights
Appeared to be a dame distressed in the night
She was 5 foot 6, and damn she was built
I slammed on the brakes, got sideways and told her "Get in"
He had been driving around for hours on end, only stopping for food and gas. He listened to his car radio as loud as he could stand it and just let the wind blow in his face. It crossed his mind quite a few times that this was a better way of touring than that bus. Whenever I decide to call the guys back, this'll be the first thing I'm suggesting to them. Before he knew it, it was almost 2 in the morning and he was just about ready to find a hotel when he saw a glimmer of orange up ahead. As he got closer, he slowed down and took a look at what was happening.
From what he saw, there was nothing wrong with the engine since the lights were still on. The driver was standing near the front of the car, and as the headlights washed over him... or her, Daniel thought, raising a brow. She had her hair tugged away from her face with one arm, and the other one was holding a cell phone in front of her. She noticed the headlights, then stepped away from the car a little and started waving her arms abover her head to flag him down.
"Fuck. Me," he muttered as he got a good look at her. She was wearing a red cami top paired with low rise jeans that must have been so tight she had to lay down to put them on. Her body was built for every single inch of it... Black heels completed her outfit, and he had some sudden wicked visions of her wearing nothing but those, of him tangling his hands in her mass of curly blond hair...
He just about slammed on his brakes as he pulled over to the side. She ran up to the driver's side as he rolled down the window.
"Hi, Ah'm sorry Ah flagged ya down like that, but y'all gotta be the first person that came ahround here in forevah." She spoke with a Texas drawl that sent even more wicked images in his head.
"Well, that's no problem, but I don't really know anything about cars..."
"Oh, that's no problem, sugah. It ain't even my car... it's my ex's," she replied, a smirk spreading across her face. "Where y'all headed?" she asked, leaning in.
Daniel snuck a quick look at her chest before meeting her eyes and answering, "Nowhere special."
"Nowheah special..." she mused. "I always wanted to go theah. Ya mind if I come?" As she asked him that, she raised a brow and slowly smiled, as if daring him to take it the wrong way. He didn't really need her help to anyways, his mind was far gone since he first saw her.
Well, two can play this game... "If you think you can take it, I just might let you."
She bit her lower lip, then quickly ran around the car and slid in the passenger seat. "You don't need clothes or anything?" he asked her.
"For what Ah have in mind, Ah don't need 'em," she replied with a wink. That was all the incentive he needed to speed off into the night.
She said "Where you headed, to the city?"
I said, "Yeah, I'm gonna have some fun!"
She tossed back her hair in confidence
And said "Mind if I come?"
Two days later we left the room
Did all in there that we could think to do
I could see she was restless so we hit the town
Ended up at a place where the windows read
Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here
Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here
Daniel woke up in the hotel bed, an arm draped across his chest. He followed that arm with his eyes, until his gaze landed on her sleeping face. He admired her for a few seconds when she shifted, then pulled her arm away to cover her face with it. "Why y'all lookin' at me?" she whined sleepily.
He smiled and chuckled at her before turning over and gently moving her arm from her face. He gave her a kiss before saying, "Because you're pretty." He added a slight Texan drawl and a goofy grin which made her laugh.
She stretched her body like a cat, then settled back down on the bed. She glanced around the room before asking, "Y'all think we should pay foh that?" Daniel propped himself up on an elbow and looked around the room also. Daniel had made sure that he had loved her on every available surface that he could find, and it showed. They had knocked over everything, even the T.V., there were handprints on the mirror, the coat hangers were either on the floor or entangled... he could even see the edge of the shower curtain where they left it after accidentaly pulling it down. Chad would be proud.
"Yeah, I'll pay for it later," he said.
"Ya know somethin'? I think we should go out an' see what the hell this tahwn has heah." she stated, sitting straight up. The sight that she had gifted Daniel with, however, made him want to do something else entirely. She saw the look in his eye and said, "Aw, come on. Theah's time foh that latah. Please?" She pouted for effect, and it worked with Daniel.
He sighed, sat up, then looked at her and said, "Alright."
They had quickly gotten dressed and climbed into his car and drove around the town. He was having a conversation with her as they were "sight seeing", and he quickly found out that she was quick with her remarks and humor. He could definetely tell that it must've gotten her into trouble a few times, but it seemed like she didn't care.
As he stopped at a red light, he heard her gasp. She pointed at a building and said, "Ah wanna go in theah!"
He followed the direction of where she was pointing and saw a sign that said "Tattoo's Here". He had gotten tattoo's before, and it always counted on the person behind the needle. He got his done by a pro, but this place seemed kind of sketchy to him. He still pulled over though, because with some of these places nowadays you couldn't tell what exactly you were going to get.
About an hour later, he was sitting on the couch in the front waiting room. His elbows were resting on his knees and he was looking at the curtain that she had disappeared behind. Damn, I never remember my tattoo's lasting this long. He started bouncing a foot slightly, becoming slightly impatient. As he heard the curtain slide back, he looked in that direction, then walked over to her as she stepped out. She had the biggest grin on her face, he noticed. It made him smile also.
"Where'd you get it?" he asked her. She didn't answer him with words, just undid her jeans enough to reveal her left hip. It was a rose, in full bloom, with some thorny branches on both sides of it. Feminine and sexy, yet rough... fits her to a "T"."What should we do know?" she asked him, still smiling.
"I personally think that you need some rest now before we head back out later tonight, and I plan on giving you just that..." And more... oh, yeah, a LOT more.
Into the back she went and disappeared
Reappeared an hour later, cheesing ear to ear
I thought, "Hell, I need to try to get back there"
When she unzipped her pants and said, "Looky here:
I got a brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
I got a brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
The blue was for the bruise that you left in my heart
And the red is for the color we're about to paint this town
Oooh, I got a new tattoo."
One week passed, woke up a day late for work
I found my good time gone and she took my shirt
Drove by all the places where we had been
There was the one where the windows read
Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here
Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here
He spent one amazing week with this girl, Cindy, when he woke up one morning in an empty bed. He looked around quickly to see if she was still in the hotel room, but he lucked out. As he walked out of the bathroom, he noticed the little note that was held down by the small shampoo bottle. He pulled it out from underneath it and opened it to read:
Thanks for the great time, luv. You're one wild spirit... one
that I could definetely want to see again sometime soon.
Oh, and I hope you don't mind: I took one of your shirts to
remember you with. I'd leave you mine, but you don't have
the chest to pull it off. Ha ha!
XXOO Cindy
Daniel smiled at her note, and turned it over to see a number scrawled on the back. He found his cellphone and dialed it, but got her voicemail right away: "Howdew, this is Cindy. You know what to do... unless this is Daniel. Ah meant what Ah said about my top, boy, ya can't have it." He laughed as he hung up the phone, and decided he probably should head back home also. He packed his stuff together in the car, and as he was about to start the car, his phone rang. He looked at the caller i.d. and saw it was Chad. He supposed that he had ignored him long enough and answered the phone. "Hallo."
"Jeez, Adair, where the hell are you that you can't answer your phone the first fifteen times I call?"
"Actually, it was eighteen, but who's counting?" he shot back, a smile spreading across his face. A typical Cindy response. Man, I hope I never forget this girl.
"Where are you, dude? I got stuff I wanna go through."
"I'm... um... backpacking in the Himalayas." He seized on the first lie that he came up with. Yeah, it sounded lame to him, but maybe Chad would buy it.
"Oh, okay. Well. Does this Himalaya chick have a close friend or a sister that you can bring home? Because I'm not buying that shit for a minute."
Daniel rolled his eyes and started the car. He headed back towards the city limits as Chad went on about a couple of song ideas. But as Daniel stopped at a familiar red light, and he glanced at a certain building, a wicked smile came across his face. "Hey Chad, I'm going to call you back later."
"Wait, wha--"
Daniel hung up the phone before he finished that sentence and pulled his car off the road and parked it. He remembered her lazy, Southern smile as she came out of the back room, and wanted to know what was so special back there... and if it could possibly make a repeat performance.
Into the back I went and disappeared
Reappeared an hour later cheesing ear to ear
I got a brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
I got a brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
The blue was for the bruise that you left in my heart
And the red is for the color we're about to paint this town
Oooh, I got a new tattoo.
The next day found Daniel in front of Chad's studio. He was wearing some of his clothes from the tour, and looked almost dazed. Chad saw this, and blinked in confusion. "Dude, you okay?"
Daniel's smile renewed as he suddenly thought of Cindy's huge grin. "Oh, yeah."
"Did you even go home yet?" asked Ryan, from the couch. Daniel shook his head and took a seat next to him.
"So, I take it you had a great time?" asked Chad.
Daniel just laughed a content laugh. You have no idea...
And I cannot forget
That smile, when she said
I got a brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
I got a brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
The blue was for the bruise that you left in my heart
And the red is for the color we're about to paint this town
Oooh, I got a new tattoo.
A new tattoo (Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here)
A new tattoo (Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here)
A new tattoo (Tattoos, piercings, belly rings here)
Поделиться55708-05-2010 21:23:03
Хороши Истории . Мне понравились
. Особенно про Ryanа.
Вот только меня мучает одно, а это правда.
Поделиться55808-05-2010 21:45:04
Да нет конечно.Это так фаны на одном форуме балуются
Поделиться55908-05-2010 22:07:03
Ещё одна историяя про Чэда и компанию на карнавале.События являются вымышлеными и не имеют никакого отношения к реальности,прошлому или будущему.Лицам до 17 не советую
"The Fun House"
The following night had been a long one. The guys had played a show and rocked the house ending up partying hard afterward into the wee hours of the morning.
They have a short one-day break so they've decided to stay here again in Cedar Rapids and head out late for tomorrow's show.
It's a beautiful clear evening and the carnival is in town. Daniel being the little kid at heart that he is insists that they all go after a raunchy early evening of playing poker.
Over the past week they've engage in a series of poker games where Chad seems to always clean house. He especially unloaded a large amount from Ryan's wallet and Ryan seems determined to play until he wins again.
He's not so interested in getting the money back that Chad has won; he's interested in just winning because the stakes have changed this last time around. If Ryan wins Chad has to get on every ride that Ryan chooses and eat everything Ryan tells him to while at the carnival.
Ryan throws his cards down.
"Ha... full house," Ryan says leaning forward pulling the large pile of money toward him. "It sucks to be you Chad."
"Whatever," Chad says rolling his eyes, standing and throwing his chair back.
Ryan can hardly wait to get to the carnival because he won the final game and Chad is all his to play with for the rest of the evening. He plans to make him so sick from eating popcorn, cotton candy, corn dogs and all of that other fun stuff. Then he plans to send him on every evil ride he can find and make Chad go on it several times until his head starts spinning along with his stomach. To top it all off he will not let Chad have any beer to drink, so that alone ought to kill him. Ryan snickers quietly at the thought. Playing with Chad is gonna be so much fun.
An hour later the guys are strolling around and everyone's stomach is already rolling, including Chad's, watching him eat that pink cotton candy. It's the fourth one so far and the night is still young.
"Okay what next?" Daniel asking grinning like a little kid. He loves this. He loves all of the bright colored lights, the smell of funnel cakes drifting in the wind, the rides and as a side bonus Chad being tortured.
"The Ferris wheel," Mike says smiling.
"No the Crow's Nest," Daniel suggests.
Chad groans looking over to where Daniel is pointing. He looks up and sees a long tower shaped lift with a ring of suspended open seated chairs around it. He watches the legs dangling and swinging back and forth of the people on the ride as it just gets to the very top pausing for a few long moments. Suddenly it descends down at an ungodly rate of speed and the people start screaming and yelling and Chad's stomach does a nasty flip. He glares over at Ryan seeing him smile.
"We'll do the Ferris Wheel so Chad can finish his cotton candy and then we'll do the Crow's Nest," Ryan says gleefully.
Chad snarls at him.
"You fuckin' wait Peake. I'll get you back for all of this and then some," Chad says stuffing another wad of fluffy sugar into his mouth.
Daniel and Mike take off toward the Ferris Wheel.
"Man, will ya look at Daniel, he loves this shit. He's practically skipping over to the ride he's so excited," Ryan says laughing.
"You better ride with someone other than me because if you're in my seat I'm opening the latch and pushing your ass out. I'll bribe the carnie dude to make sure he sticks us up at the top," Chad threatens.
"I think I'll sit this one out," Ryan says grinning.
Mike and Daniel take one seat together and Chad ends up on the ride sitting next to a sweaty blonde who needs a shower really bad.
Once he exits the ride he almost breaks down in tears when he spots the giant funnel cake that Ryan is holding.
"Here Chad I got this just for you," he says handing Chad the funnel cake giving him a huge grin.
"Hey, I love those. I'm gonna go get one. Anyone else want one? Chad, do you want me to grab you another one? Daniel asks smiling.
"Noooo and quit acting so fucking happy," Chad grumbles before taking a bite of the dreaded funnel cake.
"Chad, powdered sugar," Mike says pointing at his own mouth and Chad swipes his hand over his goatee shooting Ryan another dirty look.
Once Daniel returns with his treat they start walking over to the Crow's Nest. Chad shoves the last of his funnel cake down and Ryan hands him a drink to wash it down.
"What the fuck? That's diet coke and I hate fucking diet," Chad whines spitting out what's in his mouth pushing the drink back at Ryan.
"Nuh uh, Chad. Drink up," Ryan says shoving the drink back at Chad. "And you have to swallow."
"C'mere motherfucker," Chad snipes reaching for Ryan's collar. Ryan darts away laughing.
This time the four of them do the ride. Chad just about tosses his cookies on the drop. He can hardly stay seated because he's just about to run a marathon so he can maybe burn off some of his sugar high before he overdoses.
"Can someone die from too much sugar?" he asks grimacing over at Mike.
"Don't know. I thought your stomach would be really rolling after that ride Chad," Mike says reaching in his pocket for a piece of chewing gum.
"Trust me it is but I'm holding back and saving it so when I blow chunks it happens on a ride when I'm with Ryan sitting next to me."
"Maybe you might want to give Chad a break and let up on the sugar for a while," Daniel suggests.
"Yeah, maybe I should. Okay then, let's head over to that stand there," Ryan says pointing to the right.
"Oh c'mon now," Chad says looking like he wants to cry. Twenty-five feet away sits a hot dog/hamburger and polish sausage stand.
Ryan grabs Chad by the arm shoving him in front of the window. The smell of old rancid grease wafts out.
"He'll take a polish sausage loaded. Put everything you have on it and he wants a large order of cheese fries to go with it and throw in a diet coke. It's his favorite," Ryan says tossing a twenty up by the window before darting away.
Chad glares at him clenching and unclenching his fists. He looks back inside watching a big guy with greasy black hair preparing his food.
"Oh fuck..." Chad groans looking over the deep fryer. He spots a strip of fly paper dangling in the air wondering how many innocent people have eaten flies with their burger. At least it looks new because so far he hasn't spotted any black dots stuck to it.
The food guy sets down Chad's sandwich and before he gets his French fries he wipes the back of hand over his nose and mouth. Chad watches in horror as he resumes finishing his order.
"Listen Peake I'm drawing the line on this one," Chad bitches. "That carnie dude was wiping snot from his nose and he didn't even wash his hand. I'm not eating this shit."
"You are not backing out of this Chad so quite making up stories. You renege on this and none of us will ever play poker or anything else with you. You'll lose your honor and any respect we have for you and believe me it's very little," Ryan says smirking. "Be a man."
Well Chad is a man of his word so he will do as he's told but he intends to pay Ryan back tenfold.
They continue on in search of the next ride and Chad reluctantly shoves a greasy cheese fry into his mouth.
"Wanna share," he says offering his polish sausage to Daniel.
"I'm not touching that," he answers wide-eyed shoving the offending sandwich right back at Chad.
"Now where are we going?" Mike asks.
"The Tilt-O-Whirl," Daniel chirps happily.
"Ehhhhh..." Chad groans out washing down the last of his food with the nasty diet coke. He pitches the cup into a nearby trash bin when he spots the beer stand. Yeah, let me have one of those bad boys and I'll toss my cookies. I can blame it on the bad beer.
"I want a beer," Chad says heading for the beer stand.
"Nope, no beer for you Chad," Ryan says pulling him away.
"I think we need a good roller coaster ride and you're gonna be sharing a seat with me on that little journey," Chad grumbles.
"Not a chance," Ryan responds smiling.
They ride the Tilt-O-Whirl forcing Chad to ride alone in his own cart. When he exits he is almost green leaning against a rail with his arms wrapped around his stomach.
"Let's do that one again," Daniel shouts out.
"Awe fuck no," Chad moans.
"Yeah, this is one of my favorites," Ryan says grabbing Chad by the arm leading him right back into the line.
After the second round of spinning and whirling Chad is braced against the rail standing hunched over with his eyes closed.
Next up on the list is a roller coaster called the "Flight of Fear."
Chad sits holding onto the front rail while his body is ratcheted from side to side through far too many twists, turns and upside down loops. Inside the ride its pitch black except for an occasional flash of bright neon colored light every now and then. When the ride stops it comes to an abrupt halt and Chad's head snaps back and falls forward. He closes his eyes willing his stomach to stop spinning.
They all exit the ride walking south when Daniel turns around and sees Chad lagging slowly behind.
"You're gonna kill him Ryan," he says stopping to wait for Chad to catch up.
When he does Ryan falls in step next to Chad and smacks him on the back. "That was fun huh?"
"Loads..." Chad mumbles.
"Hey look," Daniel says pointing over to the carnie guy hawking in front of a stand.
"C'mon over. Five shots for a buck and there's a winner every time," the carnie shouts out. Hit the red duck and win a huge prize.
"I'm really good at this and I want to win Brittany a dog," Daniel says leading them over that way.
"Hey if you or Chad win anything Ryan let me have it for my kids," Mike calls out.
"I will after I get Dax something. I can bring home an empty cup for Acadia, she likes everything," Ryan says handing the carnie guy a dollar.
A series of ducks rotate around in a water filled container. Daniel hands the carnie a few dollars and sets his sight through his shotgun taking aim at a series of ducks. After a few shots he hits the red duck and shouts happily, "I won, I won."
Chad steps up next to Daniel as the carnie asks him to select his prize. He can choose between a 5 foot pink dog with a green patch by one eye with its fake leather tongue sticking out or a 4 foot purple alligator with glow in the dark green fangs wearing a striped hat.
"I'll take the pink dog," Daniel says grinning.
"Are you really gonna carry that around and then take it home and give it to Brittany? Hell she might throw you out of the house," Chad says looking at the hideous looking dog.
"Hey its not that bad," Daniel whines somewhat hurt that Chad thinks his prize sucks. "At least I won, you haven't even played."
"Here Chad," Ryan says coming up behind Chad handing him a bag of popcorn loaded with fake greasy butter.
Chad grabs the popcorn and a good amount falls out hitting the ground.
"Oops..." he says smiling. "I'm not eating that off of the ground so don't even waste your breath Peake. Hold this," he says handing Mike the popcorn. "Here's five bucks. I'm gonna keep going until I win a prize but it won't be any of that shit. Can you tell me if this gun rotates the other way? I just want to shoot him," Chad says to the toothless carnie looking over at Ryan.
"Sorry dude but the gun only points this way," the carnie answers leaning forward.
Chad backs away grabbing his 5 from the guy's hand. Well on second then I don't want to play."
"Yes he does," Mike says grabbing the money from Chad giving it back to the carnie guy. "Start shooting, your niece and nephew need one of these gaudy prizes."
After dropping a load of money at the duck shooting arcade they each end up walking away with some very ugly prizes. Chad, Daniel and Mike all carry one and Ryan has two.
Chad wads up his popcorn bag and tosses it aiming for Ryan's head.
"Oh wait," Daniel says shoving his stuffed animal at Mike to hold. "I want to go into the Fun House."
As they approach Chad looks up at the obnoxious facade of the Fun House. It has huge pictures of ugly clowns and an annoying cackle is repeated over a bad PA system.
"Fun House, this would scare the fuck out of any normal kid," Chad mumbles. "Hell the carnie chick running it is enough to send people away screaming."
"I could set you up with her Chad if you like. I bet she'd love a tour of your bus," Ryan says laughing.
"Go ahead because after she sees the inside of my bus I'm bringing her over to yours for drinks and I'm leaving because my tummy hurts," Chad says snidely.
"Alright Daniel you and Chad go and Ryan and I will watch your toys," Mike offers.
"I'm not going on that," Chad snaps.
"Yes you are. Remember every ride Chad, no complaints," Ryan says grinning. "And you can't ride with Daniel on this one and hold his hand."
"Uh no, that's not gonna happen. Get your own ride Chad. I'm not taking any chances with you tossing all of your treats on me," Daniel says getting in line.
Chad reluctantly follows. While waiting in line Ryan gives him a snow cone to suck on.
Daniel jumps into a cart, which is a few ahead of Chad's, and a 12-year-old little girl with brown hair joins him.
Several carts later and Chad gets in paired up with a good-looking redhead and he wonders if she's even legal. She smiles at him settling in shifting in the seat. Chad's gaze runs over the length of her incredibly long slender legs.
The cart jerks forward and starts it fascinating journey though the double doors.
As the cart moves, it jerks, twists and spins in front of laughing mechanical clowns, warped mirrors and blinking neon lights all accompanied by a really annoying soundtrack with stupid laughter, hooting and hollering, clapping and bad music.
Chad's snow cone lays bubbling at the bottom of his stomach. He throws an arm on top of the back of the cart and slouches down in his seat, legs spread wide resting his head back closing his eyes hoping this ride ends soon. The noise is giving him a headache and his stomach is roaring in rebellion.
The cart violently lurches and then stops. All of the lights go out and the sound and music groans to a droning halt.
"What's going on?" someone calls out.
"Oh my god," the girl next to him says under her breath. "Don't tell me we're stuck."
A voice sounds out over the PA.
"Sorry for the inconvenience. You are forced to remain seated. As a safety measure the bars across the seats will not lift up allowing you to exit due to the risk of injury. That is a precaution in the event the ride unexpectedly starts back up. We're working on it now."
"Better hurry or I'm suing for mental anguish. Fucking carnivals are nothing but an accident waiting to happen," Chad quietly gripes.
"I can't handle this. I want to get out," the girl next to him says starting to panic. "It's really dark in here."
Oh Christ. I'm stuck with some chick who's gonna freak out and lose it. Why me? Chad wonders letting out a long sigh.
"Chill out and relax, nothings gonna happen," he says lightly wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She immediately slides closer, her hand coming to rest on Chad's inner thigh.
It's quiet except for some mumbled conversation between others in their carts and some clanking noise.
"I know who you are, you're Chad Kroeger from Nickelback. I was at your show last night," the girl says nervously.
"Yep the one and only," Chad says trying to extend his long legs. Her hand slides up grasping his thigh as he tries to shift in the seat.
"I hope we're not stuck here long."
Oh please take your time fixing this thing. The longer I stay in here the less crap Ryan can stuff down my throat.
"I love your music. Actually I adore you. You're my favorite band member. I can't believe I'm stuck on a ride with Chad Kroeger."
"Well I guess worse things can happen," he chuckles. The girl's hand moves dangerously near Chad's zipper and he wonders if it's intentional. If so this ride might not be so bad after all. She wasn't bad on the eyes for the quick look that he had before the ride started.
The girl twists in the seat leaning close to Chad. He can feel her breath on the side of his cheek. Her hand slowly trails over him reaching his face and she turns him toward her sneaking in a kiss.
"Whoa," Chad says surprised that she made a move on him. Her right hand falls back to his leg and she wraps her left arm around him thrusting her chest forward pressing it against his arm.
The bar that anchors him to the ride rests tightly against his lower stomach. Chad can't really move as he slouched down in the seat when the ride started.
The girl reaches for his hand putting it on her breast before searching him out for another kiss. Her hand pushes lightly against the zipper of his jeans and she quickly notices she's getting a rise out of Chad.
Well then, all right now, if she wants to play Chad is all for it but only if she goes by his rules.
His hand slides under her top and he softly gropes her breast. They begin an arousing make-out session while she works open the button and zipper of his jeans. Chad has gone commando and once inside of his pants she grabs a hold of his erection and gets to work stroking and rubbing earnestly.
She shifts again in the seat pulling out his cock as far as she can. He moves to give her the best access when suddenly he feels the warmth of her mouth enclose over him. Her tongue twirls over the head before she sucks softly.
Chad lets out a groan and wraps his fingers in her hair pushing up against her mouth.
There's more clanking noise and his grip on her gets a little tighter.
Take your time fellas; just give me a few more minutes here.
The girl's head bobs up and down in the darkness, the head of his cock tapping at the back of her throat. She licks along the length stopping at the tip lapping up the drops of cum leaking out.
Chad tilts his hips and when he does she takes him deep into her throat.
"Fuck..." he gasps out. "Don't stop."
He can feel the cum churning in his balls slowly rising, the urge building toward the upcoming explosion.
She tries to cup his balls through his jeans as she works her mouth in a steady rhythm up and down over the length of his cock.
His thigh muscles tense and he thrusts his hips even higher pulling her mouth over his throbbing erection.
She pulls back paying special attention to the head of his cock and Chad is almost crawling out of his skin. Who would ever expect anything like this? If the bar didn't hold him back he'd be tempted to throw her down on the seat and fuck her.
Chad plans to make sure Cedar Rapids is listed on every tour stop from now on in honor of the redhead with her mouth between his legs.
She purses her mouth over his cock while sucking in his length taking him down her throat and Chad shoves up trying not to howl as he explodes in climax.
His cock pulses in a series of jerks as he shoots his cum into her mouth and down her throat.
"Uhhhhh," he groans out with a rumbling growl that follows.
The cart lurches forward, the lights flicker back on and the hideous soundtrack starts up again. The girl quickly finishes and Chad shoves himself back inside of his jeans yanking up his zipper and quickly fastening the button on his jeans.
After another minute the cart finally busts out of another set of double doors following a short track coming to an abrupt stop.
Chad looks over at his companion for the ride.
"That wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed that. How about you?" she asks smiling. The bar snaps forward and she climbs out of the cart with Chad following behind.
"No that wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it a lot. It's the most fun I've had all night," Chad says grinning.
They walk with the crowd until Chad catches up with Daniel.
"Well that sucked," Daniel says complaining.
"Yeah really... sucked in more ways than one," Chad says winking at the redhead as she passes.
"What's that all about? Don't tell me while we were stuck on that ride you were hitting on some chick," Daniel says almost scolding Chad. "You are a marked man Kroeger. Those wedding bells are just about ringing."
"No I didn't hit on her and cut it out with the wedding bell crap," he complains.
Daniel and Chad finally meet up with Ryan and Mike. Mike shoves Daniel's dog at him.
"We thought you guys were never gonna get off," Mike gripes.
"I didn't know when I'd get off either but I did and I'm happy," Chad says cryptically.
Daniel and Mike give him a funny look and Ryan shoves a caramel nut covered apple at Chad.
"Just for you," Ryan says batting his lashes.
"Can we leave now," Chad whines chomping on the candy apple.
"Yeah, let's go. I'm beat and too tired to lug around this alligator all night," Mike says moving it from one arm to the other.
"Yeah although I had a blast I'm ready to call it a night too," Daniel says, the only one still walking with a bounce in his step.
"Okay but before we leave I want to stop and get Chad another cotton candy for the ride back to the busses," Ryan says grinning widely.
"I hate you," Chad sneers.
"I know and I don't care," Ryan retorts.
"I have to say I had a blast. I love doing things like this. I think my favorite part was the Tilt-O-Whirl. I love that ride.
"I like the Ferris Wheel myself," Mike adds in.
"I'm a roller coaster fiend. I could ride roller coasters all night long," Ryan says jumping in.
Chad remains quiet walking next to Mike.
"We haven't heard from you Chad. Is it because you didn't have any fun tonight being forced to eat all of that junk?" Mike asks.
"Don't remind me," Chad groans as Ryan hands him another huge tornado shaped pink cloud of cotton candy.
"Don't you have a favorite ride Chad? Daniel asks innocently.
"Yeah, yeah as a matter of fact I do. My favorite is the Fun House," Chad says giving everyone a huge smile.
Поделиться56009-05-2010 11:19:32
Дико лень переводить... но и почитать ужасно хочется )) посмотрим, что пересилит )) Кстати, у меня тоже есть пара историй про Никелей, может, выложить?