А мне нравится , в глаза сразу бросается ) и дизайн то какой ! сама гитара выглядит как обложка альбома , по мне так очень оригинально
Nickelback в прессе
Сообщений 61 страница 80 из 226
Поделиться6128-04-2009 16:52:12
Поделиться6229-04-2009 07:39:29
Налюбоваться не могу)))
Поделиться6308-05-2009 15:20:23
CenteryTel Center presents Customized Nickback Bowling Balls from OnTheBallBowling.com!
14. April 2009Each band member in the Rock band, Nickelback, was presented with their own customized bowling balls provided by OnTheBallBowling.com. On April 13th, 2009, CenteryTel Center hosted Nickelback and Seether in Bossier City, LA. The band loved them and mentioned it was one of their favorite gifts ever received by a venue host!
http://www.ontheballbowling.com/shop/0/ … n+the+news
-а по-нашему говоря,каждому участнику группы Nickback (как и группе Seether,которую они с собой в обозе приволокли) подарили именной шар для боулинга!Никели чуть не зарыдали от умиления-мол один из лучших в нашей жизни подарков!Nickelback's Chad Kroeger Sued Over Alleged Attack
Nickelback singer Chad Kroeger is being sued by a furniture salesman who claims the rocker attacked him.
Noah Morse alleges that 34-year-old Kroeger punched him outside a bar in Vancouver, Canada in 2007, knocking him out.
In a new lawsuit, filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia and obtained by TMZ.com, Morse accuses Kroeger of punching him "forcefully in the mouth".
The salesman claims he suffered a concussion and oral injuries, including "one deadened front tooth... dislodged upper front teeth and permanent discolouration of more front teeth" in the fight.
Morse is suing for loss of income and medical expenses.
http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/gen … ttack.html
Поделиться6412-05-2009 08:10:22
Kroeger: No quotas, no Nickelback
Nickelback bassist Mike Kroeger says the only reason Nickelback made it big is because Canadian radio stations are required by law to play home-grown talent. And he believes it's a practice which should be encouraged.
On the back of British and Scottish discussions about introducing radio quota laws, Rock DJ Tom Russell has spoken to Kroeger about his impressions of the concept. And the star is firmly in favour.
He says: "We wouldn't have had a chance if we'd been thrown in with no help whatsoever. Radio stations here wouldn't play Canadian material if they didn't have to.
"France does the same thing - protects its local talent. By doing that you give it a chance to compete on the world stage.
"I think it's a really good thing to do. I think there is talent which can stand on its own - but it needs help to get started."
Listen to the interview in which Kroeger - who gave the band its name after remembering the line he used to use when giving Starbucks customers their change - discusses the band's current tour, although he refuses to give details of the stage show, simply promising a "big, big rock show". He also talks about tracking down and working with producer Mutt Lange, and the band's songwriting procedure.
http://www.rockradio.co.uk/rock-news/kr … /ge2zs9n4/
Отредактировано RockerGirl (12-05-2009 08:11:34)
Поделиться6512-05-2009 10:15:49
Согласен с ним на 100%, молодым нужно помогать
Поделиться6621-05-2009 08:08:58
Зацените новость- BMI 57th Annual Pop Awards - 20.05. 2009
Чедушку наградили как автора самой популярной попсовой песни- INTO THE NIGHT.Не первой свежести ведь песня,а все награждают!!!
Поделиться6721-05-2009 11:42:22
Чедушку наградили как автора самой популярной попсовой песни- INTO THE NIGHT
круто! он это заслужил!
Поделиться6825-05-2009 07:57:48
What Recession? Nickelback Still On Track
2:22am UK, Saturday May 23, 2009
Elizabeth Scott, Sky News Online
For a band who have sold millions of records over the last decade, Nickelback have not let fame go to their head.
Unlike many stars of the music world, the Canadian rock group are unassuming and don't get hounded by the press.
In fact, it came as a bit of surprise when Chad Kroeger was spotted by some photographers while out in London.
"There was like two paparazzi at the restaurant we were at," he explained when I met the band.
"I'm like, slow night fellas if you're following me around," he laughed, adding that he "enjoys" the lack of press attention.
So does his brother Mike Kroeger, who is the band's bassist.
He had commented to me that many celebrities he knew were actually very "insecure" so get upset when not recognised or photographed.
Nickelback are also not keen on the rise of social networking sites like Twitter.
"I don't think I want our fans knowing what we're doing from moment to moment," said Chad.
Guitarist and backing vocalist Ryan Peake was in agreement: "To me I don't like people knowing everything about us. There's got to be some kind of a mystery left."
It was Nickelback's third album Silver Side Up and their hit single How You Remind Me which propelled them into the music spotlight in 2001.
They are now on to their sixth album Dark Horse - which they worked on with producer Mutt Lange - the man behind classic rock collections like AC/DC's Back In Black.
The band have kicked off their six-date UK tour, with the promise of a big scale production with "more explosions and more fire".
So, they clearly have not felt the effects of the recession then, I ask.
"I think the entertainment is the escape at this point. It hasn't been known to suffer a lot in these odd times. So it's been good," said Peake.
"We'll be everybody's break from the news of the day."
But Nickelback are keen to share their wealth around, and have pledged to donate some of the proceeds from their summer tour to charity.
"We're going to allot some money from ticket sales to go to charities," explained Peake. "It's kind of nice to give something back."
Organisations which are likely to benefit from their generosity include ICA Canada and Amnesty who they have donated to in the past.
Their new single If Today Was Your Last is out on June 15.
Посмотреть видео к и нтервью:
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/video/ … rchresults
Поделиться6925-05-2009 13:30:51
О, нормуль новостишки! Спасибо!
Ха, не нравится им ,когда о них всё знают. А мы всё равно всё знаем и узнаем ещё больше! ))))
Поделиться7025-05-2009 14:01:27
Да уж)) Но все равно была бы я на их месте, мне бы тоже не хотелось, чтобы обо мне все знали. Я вот о никелятах тоже не хочу прямо все на свете знать. Уверена, есть такое, что уж лучше и не знать)))
Their new single If Today Was Your Last is out on June 15
А вот тут я не совсем поняла. Что имеется ввиду? Диск отдельный?
Поделиться7125-05-2009 15:23:23
Забавная интервьюшка...как всегда прикалываются)))
Поделиться7225-05-2009 21:51:56
А вот тут я не совсем поняла. Что имеется ввиду? Диск отдельный?
Да, синглы выпускаются отдельно дисками, обычно песня сама + другая версия, если есть, + концертные версии других их песен.
http://www.mediafire.com/?jojgumoyyjk - вот это интервью
Поделиться7326-05-2009 00:06:15
Спасибо за разъяснение. И за интервью. А шутка Чада про водку Nickelback это их ответ кризису или что, не уловила я чего-то?
Поделиться7426-05-2009 07:48:47
А вот тут я не совсем поняла. Что имеется ввиду? Диск отдельный?
Да, я где-то выкладывала обложку голубенькую такую с месяц назад.Имеется ввиду,что для разных стран и континентов-разные синглы.
Ха, не нравится им ,когда о них всё знают. А мы всё равно всё знаем и узнаем ещё больше! ))
Кто б сомневался)))Это они кокетничают)))
Поделиться7526-05-2009 23:04:35
вау, а я эт читала) еще думала, что над выложить в форум, но был последний звонок и я ваще про все забыла)))
думаю, что Чад не прав, мог бы завести блог на твиттере, как Честер Беннингтон) было бы классно)
Поделиться7627-05-2009 08:48:09
Чад не прав, мог бы завести блог на твиттере, как Честер Беннингтон)
У многих есть свои странички,выкладывают подкасты...К сожалению,это его право...
Scotland (Glasgow), May 23, 2009 Review
http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/ … index.html
Sound: Chad Kroeger really blew away the SECC on Saturday night. Not just his vocal power that he displayed, but the charisma he showed onstage was phenomenal. The sound of Ryan Peakes' Acoustic guitar on 'Saving Me' was a warm sound that really blasted it's way through the arena, it really had a nice tone to it. They really performed their music to album-standard and a bit more. // 9
Perfomance: The audience were really involved with the show. From the very front with the fans getting squashed, jumping around, right to the very back where many old women were even getting into the swing of things. They really know how to get an audience going and the people of Glasgow responded well, cheering at every word.
They played almost a complete two-hour set so here's the consensus on a few of their songs.
01.Something In Your Mouth: a great opener, really edgy and got the crowd going.
02.Next Go Round: drums were a bit overpowered in this, but otherwise a good performance.
03.Gotta Be Somebody: one of their less hard-rocking songs. The drummer sang backing vocals along with the guitarist but didn't add much for me.
They also sang some of their classics:
04.How You Remind Me: best performed song of the night. This really got the crowd going as Nickelback's most successful song.
05.Photograph: nothing memorable about this song, but good banter from Chad Kroeger beforehand, and a good slideshow in the background got some cheers when Scottish-related pictures came on the screen.
The most memorable moment of the show had to be the T-shirt Cannons. After not being able to reach the very back on their previous tour, they upgraded and the crew came on and fired free shirts into the crowd (even though they only went to the back) whilst the band played a hard-rock instrumental in the background. Daniel Adair's drum solo was also memorable as a very impressive display. Whilst his podium elevated him higher and turned him he showed a wide range of playing styles and to finish the solo off sparks flew from behind him.
The pyrotechnics through the whole show were fantastic. As the band came on about 15 minutes after the support left the stage, three big bangs singalled the start of the show and from there we saw fireworks, fire, steam, sparks, the lot. // 9
Impression: The gig was held at the SECC in Glasgow, Scotland on the 23rd of May 2009. The support for Nickelback were Blackstone Cherry who provided a good heavy opening, although some of their songs were similar. Their lead-guitarist was very good though. I really liked how Nickelback were very involved with the fans, however, the South Park reference for their touring guitarists, Timmy, was lost on most. They had plenty of instrumentals, but all just heavy chords etc. I would have liked to see an improvised guitar solo. The face value of the ticket was £33.50, which it was very much worth. I will definitely go to their next gig, if I can get another ticket. Overall, a great show, especially when they recognised Scotland as AC/DC's true home with a performance of "Highway To Hell" and their version of Kings Of Leon's "Use Somebody" which Ryan Peakes provided the vocals for.
Отредактировано RockerGirl (28-05-2009 08:18:10)
Поделиться7702-06-2009 09:01:39
Nickelback 5 номинаций на MMVA's - 25.05.09
05/27/09 12:05pm
by Steve McLean (CHARTattack)
Nickelback and former Toronto Blue Jays' shortstop Tony Fernandez top the MuchMusic Video Awards nominees with five nods each.
Hold on, I misread the list. Danny Fernandes, the R&B artist and Karaoke Star Jr. judge, has five nominations. Sorry, Tony. But at least you won a World Series — and you're not Shawn Desman's little brother.
Marianas Trench received four nominations, while Classified, Bedouin Soundclash, Theory Of A Deadman, The Midway State and K-OS picked up three.
Fans are responsible for selecting the winners in the three UR FAVE categories and can vote here.
All the awards will be handed out in and around the MuchMusic environment starting at 9 p.m. EST on June 21. Tune into Much an hour earlier to witness the gripping drama of "celebrities" walking on a red carpet.
The Jonas Brothers will co-host and perform at the show, while Lady GaGa is also slated to perform.Video
Nickelback — "Gotta Be Somebody"MuchLOUD Rock Video
Nickelback — "Gotta Be Somebody"Post-Production
Nickelback — "Gotta Be Somebody"International Video By A Canadian (Artist Or Group)
Nickelback — "If Today Was Your Last Day"UR FAVE Video
Nickelback — "Gotta Be Somebody"http://www.chartattack.com/news/70250/n … a-nominees
Никели идут на двойную платину!!!
The RIAA has announced its Gold and Platinum certifications for the month of April. Most notably, Nickelback's latest album Dark Horse and the soundtrack to the hit film Twilight were both certified double-Platinum, each selling over two million copies at this point. Indestructible from Disturbed was also certified as a Platinum album. Among the month's new Gold albums were Feist's breakthrough record The Reminder, Theory Of A Deadman's latest Scars & Souvenirs and Thr33 Ringz by T-Pain.
Поделиться7807-06-2009 10:38:49
Nickelback to perform at 2009 MMVAs
Friday, June 05, 2009
MuchMusic is proud to announce its "Dark Horse" for the MMVAs is none other than Nickelback. The Alberta-born, international superstars are set to rock the MMVAs crowd as the latest artists announced on the killer lineup.
"Our greatest reward in making music has always been the fans wanting us to make more," said the members of Nickelback. "We are honoured to be nominated, humbled to be in such great company, and appreciative of MuchMusic’s unyielding support. We can’t wait to be back in Toronto and to be a part of this year’s MMVAs."
Nickelback leads the MMVAs nominations this year with five nods, including Video Of The Year. The band is no stranger to the MUCHMUSIC VIDEO AWARDS, having previously performed and presented at the music-filled and celeb-heavy event, as wel as taken home four MMVAs of their own.
Rounding out the best MMVAs lineup ever, Nickelback joins previously announced performers Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, Classified, Rise Against, Kelly Clarkson, Alexisonfire, Billy Talent, Shiloh, and co-hosts the Jonas Brothers.
You can catch it all live on Sunday, June 21 at 9 p.m. ET. And don’t miss the MMVAs 09 RED CARPET SPECIAL beforehand at 8 p.m. ET on MuchMusic.
Поделиться7907-06-2009 14:59:55
О, нормульно ))) Запишет кто-нибудь!
Поделиться8009-06-2009 08:18:09
When they were in the UK recently for their sell out UK arena tour, NICKELBACK popped in to Absoute Radio and recorded two live tracks- namely upcoming single 'If Today Was Your Last Day' (which hits stores on JUNE 15th) and smash hit 'Rockstar'.
If you missed the broadcast, fret not. If you head on over to the Absolute website you can SEE the guys performing the tracks, as they filmed the guys in the studio and you can now see this on the site.
http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/player/7 … ssion.html
Вот такая инфа проскочила.Но у меня эта страница не открывается,не могу оценить,что там за контент и как его скачать)))
Отредактировано RockerGirl (09-06-2009 08:19:46)